Changes in this version:
Completely new set of cards. They were randomly generated and then hand picked. I ended up with 52 cards. They are meant to be more powerful.
Prophecies require more cards.
Your play area is moved around so that your start/end of turn effects go Curses, Boons, Prophecies, then Disciplines.
Live Notes
Storing multiple cards on multiple prophecies with an action card was fun.
Action cards should just be renamed to “Instant” cards.
The background color of the boons is too close to the Instants. Maybe make it blue?
Picking new Prophecies is still easy to forget. Maybe a card could go there as a reminder? “Start of Turn: Draw 2 prophecies and place one here and discard this.”
Put reference numbers on the cards for feedback purposes.
Free Action to discard an opponent down to 6 cards isn’t that powerful.
The wording “The next time you would do X, discard this instead” is a little confusing. Maybe “The next time you play a Prophecy, immediately discard it and this card” or “The next time you play a Necromancy card, immediately cancel its effects and discard this card.”
Necromancy popper should be “Add the top card of the discard pile to your hand.”
I need to add more incremental power to the disciplines.
The popper that lets you store the card you just played on a Prophecy is really satisfying.
I feel like I want more Boon and Curse discard.
Dan: there’s a lot of text, there’s a lot to read.
Dan: is there a hand size limit? (he has 9 cards in hand at this point)
Having your stuff all be exhausted at the start of your turn feels punishing in a good way.
Stored cards under a Prophecy could just stay underneath them when you complete the Prophecy. This would keep certain cards from being in the game at all to increase variation between games.
Boons with a big effect that enter play exhausted are cool.
Cards that are “If the top card of the discard pile is X” are better than “If you played X this turn”
For simplicity’s sake it might be useful to make all Prophecies End of Turn and all Boons Start of Turn.
Cards that depend on the top card of the discard pile being something are cool.
Dan’s Notes
At some point he wanted something to ramp up. Either the gameplay itself speeds up, or there is some pressure, like the game ending soon.
First two turns forgot to put new Prophecies into play.
Didn’t feel inclined to read the Curses too much. Since he knew they were bad he decided to play them.
He would like to be able to advance more than one discipline in a single turn. Maybe you can do it more often but it gets more expensive if you do it more than once in a turn.
The Condemned Hex card might be cool if it has: “Cannot be exhausted by other players.”
The Necromancy level 4 effect wasn’t strong enough.