I am doing a playtest with two friends, one of whom will be doing some design work for me.
Live Notes
Some abilities to look at the upcoming prophecy cards could be cool. A way of manipulating what prophecy pieces will be coming up.
There was confusion with a “Advance a Dark Deed” basic card, where the player stored the played card instead of the top one of the deck.
Witch’s Focus should maybe be an action instead of Start of Turn. It’s probably too strong.
Revealing an extra prophecy piece mid-game seems cool.
The starting prophecy piece that requires you to have 2+ stored cards should be an end prophecy piece.
Lost Soul and Extracted Heart boons are basically the same boon, but they’re different power levels and one is just better.
There was confusion about arrow cards being optional.
I should add a rule where you can’t finish a Dark Deed if it’s exhausted. But when would it trigger?
Having the very simple “Advance a Dark Deed” cards is definitely good.
It might be worthwhile to bring back cards that care about placement. “Advance your leftmost Dark Deed.” and “Level up your center Discipline”.
Some cards that ready your Dark Deeds would be cool.